Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite)
Archdiocese of Vancouver

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Sunday: 12:00 Noon


Family Camp

How do you make a Spiritual Communion?

Be still and quiet the mind.
Examine your conscience and bring to mind your unworthiness to receive the Body and Blood of Christ because of your many sins. Consider that this inability to make a Sacramental Communion is a punishment for the numerous times when you failed to receive Holy Communion worthily but also an opportunity to make reparation.
Make an Act of Contrition and express true sorrow for your sins; a sorrow which acknowledges that as a creature you owe God the perfection of every act that you perform which, by your sins you failed to do.
Remember how quickly Our Lord is to forgive our sins and that He wants all of us to be united to Him always. He longs to come into our soul and so now let us express a desire that, although we cannot receive Him sacramentally, we desire that He comes Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and to grant us all of the blessing that we would receive were we able to receive Him in Holy Communion.
Let us imagine He coming to us as in the Incarnation to dwell with us - pause for a few moments.
Make a thanksgiving to God for the blessings and ask Him that this Spiritual Communion dispose you to receive Him more worthily when you are able to receive sacramentally in Holy Communion.


Holy Family Parish Registration

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Parish Registration Form

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